Profile PictureMegan Schiers

RDH CE Tracker

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RDH CE Tracker


If you're a dental hygienist with multiple state licenses, you know how overwhelming it can be making sure that you keep track of license renewal periods and state CE requirements. This tool was made to organize your state licenses, CE, and certifications all in one convenient place. You can even set reminders ahead of when your license or certification is set to expire so you never miss a renewal again. Customize it with your different state licenses and each state's requirements, then log CE and apply it to each license's CE earning window to automatically calculate how many credits you've completed it. Mark individual CE courses with a tag to indicate if they meet a specific criteria, such as in-person, live, self-study, etc.

Click to the right on the image above to watch a short video showing some of the tool's features.

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Last updated Dec 28, 2023

27.9 KB
1 page
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